Taking a Mortgage Holiday
26th March 2020

Could a mortgage payment holiday be right for you?
Are you currently out of work or on reduced pay and considering taking a 3-month mortgage payment holiday to help you get back on your feet? See what your mortgage lender is offering by checking the latest guidance below.
Before making a decision, speak with your Mortgage Advisor to ensure you explore all the options available to you first. If you don’t have one and would like some advice, get in touch – it's free, after all!
Accord Mortgages
Yes, but we do need to make sure that the solution we offer is right for the individual customer’s circumstances. As we're dealing with extremely high numbers of calls at this time, we need to ensure we're prioritising the customers who need our help the most, so we'd ask you to call us only if you are having difficulties meeting your next mortgage payment. If you find yourself in financial difficulties because of the impact of Covid-19, and are unable to make your next mortgage payment with us, please talk to us on 0345 1200 872 (for residential customers only). We can discuss whether options including a payment holiday on your mortgage might be suitable for you, although this will result in you paying back more interest on your mortgage overall. In addition, we are currently waiving all of our late payment fees for mortgage customers.
Al Rayan Bank
We recognise that some of our customers could experience financial difficulties in the coming weeks due to coronavirus-related disruption. We will work with each customer on an individual basis to assess what help is available to help them manage their finances. We would encourage any customers who think they may be affected to contact us as soon as possible. Existing mortgage customers can contact Al Rayan on: 0808 231 2906
We are offering customers the option to reduce or defer mortgages payments for up to 3 months. This means you can pay a lower payment or take a break from payments. You’ll need to make up the payments later in your mortgage term and we’ll work with you to find the best way to do this. There won’t be any impact on your credit rating during the period. Some eligibility criteria will apply. We also have other options available, including making overpayments. If you’re able to make an overpayment in the short term you could reduce your monthly payments later on. There are some account terms and conditions and eligibility criteria that apply to this. We can discuss this in more detail if it’s an option for you. Existing mortgage customers can contact Aldermore on: 0333 321 1000 (selecting option 2, option 1, then option 4) or mortgage.servicing@aldermore.co.uk.
Bank of Ireland UK
Bank of Ireland UK are following UK Finance guidelines and will be offering payment breaks up to 3 months to those that need it. We’ll provide this option to your customers that have residential and Buy to Let Mortgages. If you would like to apply for a payment break, please fill in and submit the form at https://www.bankofirelanduk.co...: However, if your payment is due within the next 7 days and you need immediate financial support, please give us a call on 0800 1699722. We are experiencing high call volumes at the moment though, so it may take a while to get to you.
As a responsible lender, it is crucial that we offer the right support to our customers at this time. We have therefore decided to offer customers who are potentially facing financial difficulty, a number of options to support them through this time. These include Repayment holidays for up to 90 days. We encourage customers to get in contact with us at the earliest opportunity to discuss the most suitable solution. Existing mortgage customer should contact Barclays on: 0800 022 4022
Bath Building Society
At the moment we are speaking to customers on a cases by case basis. Customers should contact us directly if they are worried about their circumstances. Existing mortgage customers should contact Bath Building Society on: 01225 475719
In accordance with government policy, Bluestone Mortgages will offer a payment holiday of up to three months for eligible customers who are affected by Covid-19, either directly or indirectly. This accommodation is available from 19 March 2020 until 30 April 2020, at which time it will be reviewed. Customers will also be able to continue to make regular or ad-hoc payments to their mortgage during the payment holiday, to allow them to lessen the impact of the increase to the mortgage balance if they are able to. Existing mortgage customers can contact Bluestone on: 0800 368 1833
Buckinghamshire Building Society
The Society is committed to supporting members in financial hardship through these difficult times and will absolutely commit to offering the 3 month payment holiday facility. We are currently looking at how best we implement this operationally and how we communicate with our members. We will be logging all requests and will come back to the member with confirmation as soon as possible. Existing mortgage customers should contact Buckinghamshire Building Society on: 01494 879517
The Cambridge Building Society
We know Coronavirus is leaving some people unsure of whether they’re going to be able to rely on their income. If you’re concerned about whether you’re able to make your mortgage payments please contact us as soon as possible, we have a supportive team who can help you. Contact the team on 0345 601 3344 or take a look at our payment difficulties guide.
Chorley Building Society
Borrowers who may be experiencing mortgage payment difficulties as a result of Coronavirus should contact us at the earliest opportunity to discuss the range of payment options available. This can be done by completing this form and emailing to mortgages@chorleybs.co.uk. Upon receipt of this the Society will confirm next steps to them.If required, borrowers will be able to take a 3 month payment holiday. During this period, if they wish they will be able to make a nominal payment to their account or the equivalent of interest only by standing order.If the above arrangements are put into place this will not be recorded on the customer’s credit file.However, in the scenario that a customer doesn’t contact us and misses payments or has payment shortfalls these will continue to be recorded with the credit reference agencies. Existing mortgage customers can contact Chorley on: 01257 235001
Clydesdale Bank
If you've been affected by coronavirus (due to illness or self-isolation) and are worried about what this might mean for you financially, there are things we can do to help. Please get in touch with us as soon as possible so we can discuss your individual circumstances and find ways in which we can support you. The sooner you contact us, the more we can do. Existing mortgage customers can contact Clydesdale on: 0800 121 4203
The Coventry
Customers who are up to date with their mortgage payments and not currently in financial difficulty can request a 3 month payment holiday if they need help as a result of COVID 19. Customers will self-certify, disclosing that they are impacted by Coronavirus, we will not be asking for any further validation of this. Providing a payment holiday will not attract arrears or adverse Credit data. Once the payment holiday is over, we will look at options to recalculate deferred payments but will contact the client about this. These deferred payments mean that interest will not be collected on their balance (which is not reducing either). Once recalculated, their payment will increase as the balance + interest on the balance not collected during the holiday will be rescheduled over a slightly shorter term. This applies to Residential and Buy to let lending. Contact number for clients affected - 0800 121 8899
Danske Bank
We know that you may be worried about how the current situation could affect you and your money. We’re here to help and have put in place some support measures and information to help ease any concerns. Existing mortgage customers can contact Danske bank on: 0345 6002 882
Darlinton Building Society
Yes we will support the 3 month payment holiday with each request being considered on a case by case basis. Anyone concerned will need to contact our financial support team as soon as they can by emailing customersupport@darlington.co.uk, titling their email “Payment Holiday” and quoting their name and 8 digit account number in the email. Alternatively, Existing mortgage customers should contact Darlington on: 01325 366366
Digital Mortgages
Please be assured that we’ll do everything we can to support you if you are affected by COVID-19 - talk to us via the app, or call us on 0333 399 0050.
Dudley Building Society
We recognise that these are unprecedented and difficult times for our borrowers. For any mortgage members concerned about meeting their mortgage repayments at this time please contact our Mortgage Servicing Team at the earliest possible opportunity to discuss what options are available to you. Existing mortgage customers can contact Dudley Building Society on: 01384 231414
Earl Shilton Building Society
To help our mortgage borrowers at this difficult time due to Covid-19, in line with government requirements, esbs will consider payment holidays for those in need. However, a payment holiday may not be in the customer’s best interests, as the account will still incur interest charges during the payment holiday, and so the balance will increase leading to higher future payments without a term extension. Therefore, we will look to ascertain each individual’s exact circumstances to ensure they receive the most appropriate guidance within the available forbearance measures, many of which the Society has been using over many years. This could include moving to interest only payments as an example. If the borrower opts for a payment holiday, up to a maximum period of 3 months, it will be agreed by us and if they have spare funds, payments of any amount could still be made during this period. We will return a zero payment (unless a higher amount is agreed through forbearance) to the credit agencies so that their credit rating is not affected, and no arrears will be applied (unless an agreed payment is not covered). We will also verify individual Equifax extracts to ensure accounts have been reported correctly, and we will waive our usual fee for changing the mortgage term or type. Existing mortgage customers can contact Earl Shilton Building Society on: 01455 844422
The Family Building Society
Customers can call our Mortgage Service Team on 03330 140 146 to discuss all options.
Foundation Home Loans
We offer payment holidays up to three months to customers for Buy to let and Residential who have or anticipate having payment problems as a result of Covid-19. We do not require evidence but we will have a conversation with each customer to understand their circumstances and explore what the most appropriate solution is. Any payment holiday will not have a negative effect on the customer’s credit file. A zero-pay three month payment holiday may not be the most appropriate option. If your clients have any concerns, please direct them to our consumer website – foundationhomeloans.co.uk – where they can find contact details.
We will be offering residential mortgage customers the opportunity of a three month mortgage payment holiday. The customer would need to call 0800 015 8026 and we would need to capture the reasons why they are looking to take up this offer to fully understand this is the best solution for them. Customers would need to be aware that interest/fees will still accumulate on the mortgage and at the end of the three month holiday payment the monthly mortgage payments will increase as a result of the three month payment holiday. This will not have an adverse effect on their credit report.
Gatehouse Bank
In the current circumstances we remain focused on our customers. We understand that the Coronavirus risk may result in our customers needing additional support and we will look to be as responsive as possible. Specifically, for homebuyers and landlords facing financial difficulty, we will help assess their needs to find a suitable payment strategy, which will include providing a payment holiday, if necessary. In addition, savers facing hardship will be able to access funds deposited in our notice or fixed term accounts at short notice and with no penalty. The above is very much in line with the Bank’s existing policies to support customers experiencing issues. We would encourage any customer that is facing financial difficulties to contact us to discuss how we can support them. Existing mortgage customers should contact Gatehouse Bank on: 020 7070 6984 or 020 7070 6981
The Halifax
As the impact of coronavirus is felt across the UK, you may be worried about how it could affect you and your home. Your peace of mind is still our top priority, so we’ve created some extra ways to help, if you need it. If the coronavirus has affected your income, you may wish to take a mortgage payment holiday. You can ask to take a break of up to a maximum of three months by filling out our online form: https://www.halifax.co.uk/mort... Existing mortgage customers can contact The Halifax on: 0345 850 3705
Hanley Economic Building Society
We will work with every borrower during these difficult times to support them through their mortgage payments. We have a range of forbearance measures including interest only and payment holidays, which will be discussed on a case by case basis with each borrower. As always we urge borrowers to contact us as soon as possible in the event of difficulty to ensure the best solution is put in place. Existing mortgage customers should contact Hanley Economic on: 01782 255000
Harpenden Building Society
We encourage you to contact us and we will offer as much support as we can, and provide payment relief where possible. You can contact us by calling our Mortgage team on 01582 463133.
We expect the COVID-19 disruption to continue for some time and we are aware that our borrowers may be financially impacted. If you are experiencing or foresee any financial difficulties, our advice is to get in touch with us as soon as possible using our website. We will look at every customer’s situation on an individual basis to determine what solutions we can offer and will allow a 3 month payment holiday for anyone who is affected by COVID-19 as per the recent UK Finance guidelines. Please visit the Society’s website using this link to speak to us. https://www.hrbs.co.uk/contact...
For existing customers, if you are impacted financially by Coronavirus (COVID-19) and have any concerns, please contact us and we will seek to offer help and advice with any queries you may have. Existing mortgage customers can contact Hodge on: 0800 731 4076
Yes. Customers should contact us directly if they are worried about their circumstances. Existing mortgage customers should contact HSBC on: 03457 404 40411
Ipswich Building Society
Affected borrowers who are up to date with their mortgage payments and seeking a mortgage payment holiday are asked to complete and return our self-certification request form by post or by email to paymentqueries@ibs.co.uk (we suggest using secure email where possible). Agreed arrangements will not be reported to credit reference agencies. Please note borrowers who are already in a payment shortfall or arrears will need to contact us in the first instance to discuss the options available. To get in touch with our mortgage payments team please call us on 0330 123 0773 or email us at paymentqueries@ibs.co.uk.
If you are currently up to date with your mortgage payments, you or your family are affected by Covid-19 and you’re struggling to pay your mortgage, then a payment holiday or other appropriate option will be made available to you; however, it is important that you speak to our team and formally agree the best option for you
Kent Reliance
We have agreed to support customers who are facing difficulties, as a direct result of COVID-19. Customers will need to contact Kent Reliance to discuss on what basis they are experiencing difficulties. We will then be able to explain the process and impact of a potential payment holiday, agreeing the right course of action to ensure we are working closely with our customers. Existing mortgage customers can contact Kent Reliance on: 0345 671 7274
Leeds Building Society
We have a number of options that can help anyone experiencing financial difficulties and will work with borrowers to agree a solution that meets their circumstances. We assess each case individually and you can find more information and contact numbers in the ‘Repayment difficulties’ guide our website: www.leedsbuildingsociety.co.uk... Existing mortgage customers can contact Leeds Building Society on: 0345 050 5075
Leek United Building Society
If your mortgage customers have been financially impacted by Coronavirus and they are worried about how they are going to pay their mortgage, please ask them to contact us. We’re here to help with a range of available options: Agree a payment holiday of up to three months as outlined in the Chancellor’s address on Tuesday, 17 March 2020. Agree a reduction on the monthly payments for three months. Extend the term of the mortgage to reduce the monthly payments. Change the way they make their payment or the date of the direct debit. Together we can review their individual circumstances to find a solution that is right for our customers. Call us 0800 783 0847 Email us at leeksupport@leekunited.co.uk
Mansfield Building Society
The Society understands that some of its borrowers may find themselves in financial difficulty as a result of issues associated with Coronavirus. We would encourage any borrower who is experiencing difficulties to contact us as soon as possible. To support borrowing members, whether they are impacted directly or indirectly by Coronavirus, Mansfield Building Society like many other mortgage lenders will consider offering a payment holiday for up to 3 months to those members who are up to date with their mortgage payments and are experiencing issues with their finances as a result of Coronavirus. This may not be the right solution for you and so any member who is concerned about their current financial situation should get in touch with us at the earliest possible opportunity to discuss what options may be suitable for them. The Society’s friendly and experienced staff will look to understand each customer’s individual circumstances on a case by case basis to help you reach the most appropriate solution. Please contact us on 0800 092 8564 or 01623 676344 for advice or support, or by e-mail to mortgages@mansfieldbs.co.uk.
Market Harborough Building Society
Market Harborough Building Society has Mortgage Specialists on hand to offer assistance if customers are being affected by COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and are concerned about making forthcoming mortgage payments. The Society can offer various potential solutions and encourage customers to contact us directly and discuss options available to them based on their individual circumstances. Existing mortgage customers can contact MHBS on: 01858 412610
We recognise that the coronavirus outbreak will cause significant financial difficulty for many people. Existing customers should get in touch, and we can explain the process. Existing mortgage customers can contact Masthaven on: 0207 036 2012
The Melton Building Society
We understand that some customers may be worried about the effect that contracting the Coronavirus (COVID-19) could have on their finances, for example, due to a drop in income as a result of contracting the virus or because of the measures imposed to stop it spreading. If you have any concerns about how this could affect you and your mortgage, please click here to read the leaflet produced by the Building Societies Association and National Debtline or please get in touch on 01664 414141.
Metro Bank
In line with the announcement from UK Finance, customers with a Metro Bank mortgage will be able to request a three-month repayment holiday when they are experiencing issues with their finances as a result of coronavirus. Under usual circumstances, we would assess the customer’s financial situation and ask them to provide information so that we can consider what forbearance options may be the most suitable. We recognise that these are exceptional circumstances, and we want to support our customers, so we are not asking them to provide proof in order for us to consider a repayment holiday. We only ask that they call us so that we can discuss their situation and how we can support them. This measure covers residential mortgages and buy-to-let mortgages for landlords whose tenants are experiencing difficulty due to coronavirus. Customers who are already in arrears may not be eligible for a payment holiday, but there are other ways that we can support them, so we encourage them to get in contact. Existing mortgage customers can contact Metro bank on: 0345 319 1200
If a customer contacts us to let us know they are have been negatively financially impacted due to the coronavirus/covid-19 outbreak, we will grant them a 3 month payment holiday. For them to be eligible the account must not be more than 1 month in arrears otherwise we would look to support them in other ways in line with our standard arrears management policies. After the 3 months the payments they would have made are capitalised and added to the total balance of the remaining loan. At this point a recalculation will be done to take in to account the additional balance and generate a new monthly payment for the customer moving forward. Customer will not be able to switch their mortgage to one of our other products whilst on a payment holiday. If they want to switch soon, please arrange their switch before they request a payment holiday To apply for the payment holiday, customers can call 08004643030 and 0800302011.
If your income has been impacted by Coronavirus and you know you are not going to be able to make your monthly mortgage payments, we can offer our existing mortgage customers a 3 month payment holiday. You can apply for a mortgage payment holiday if: Your ability to pay your mortgage has been affected by Coronavirus. You’re up-to-date with all your monthly mortgage payments. You have consent from everyone named on the mortgage. A mortgage payment holiday only means a break of up to 3 month from your mortgage payments, and you will need to make up these payments through the term of your mortgage. Payments to both capital and interest are suspended during the agreed period and interest will continue to accrue during the holiday period. Payments are recalculated at the end of the holiday period to repay the new balance over the remaining term. There is currently no facility for an Interest Only Switch process for customers on Capital and Interest mortgage contracts. Customers can apply for a payment holiday online on https://customerforms.natwest.... Existing mortgage customers can contact Natwest on: 0345 302 0190
Natwest International
We know you may be worried about being impacted financially due to coronavirus (COVID-19), and we want to support you. We have put a range of measures in place to help support you if you're experiencing financial difficulties as a result of the outbreak including payment holidays on Mortgages, and Loan deferral for up to three months. Please contact us for more information. Existing mortgage customers can contact Natwest International on: +44 (0) 1624 632323
Newbury Building Society
We are open for business but please bear with us as we adapt to the impact of Covid19 (Coronavirus) The Society is monitoring the outbreak of Covid19 (Coronavirus) closely to ensure we are taking the necessary steps to protect our colleagues, maintain our services and support our customers. We expect the Covid19 disruption to continue for some time and although the effects should be temporary, we are aware that our borrowers may be financially impacted. To support borrowing members, whether they are impacted directly or indirectly by the Covid-19, Newbury Building Society like many other mortgage lenders will offer a payment holiday for up to 3 months to those members who are up to date with their mortgage payments and are experiencing issues with their finances as a result of the Covid-19. There are other solutions available. Please refer to the information provided to borrowers on our website. Please bear with us Due to the impact of Covid19, our Customer Service Teams in branches and head office are experiencing higher than normal volumes of calls and transactions. We would like to thank you for your patience and will deal with enquiries as soon as we can. In these difficult times, we remain focused on providing you with the excellent service and support you have come to expect of us, and we thank you for your continued loyalty. Our Helpdesk remains open and the team is contactable to help with any mortgage cases you may have. Please continue to check www.newbury.co.uk for the latest updates. Existing mortgage customers can contact Newbury Building Society on: 01635 555 700
In line with the package of financial support announced by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, we are committed to support customers who experience difficulty with mortgage payments as a result of coronavirus. This includes payment holidays for a minimum of three months. If you are concerned about your financial situation please get in touch with us at the earliest opportunity; we have a range of options that we can consider in order to provide the support you need. You can email: mortgage.support@newcastle.co.uk or call our helpline number on: 0345 702 3083. Lines are open from 9am to 6pm Monday to Thursday, and 9am to 5pm on Fridays.
Norton Home Loans
Customers experiencing a temporary loss of income due to the Coronavirus outbreak can apply for a payment break or holiday subject to proof of change in circumstances. This will not impact customer’s credit reports and no fees will be charged although interest will still accrue. Existing mortgage customers can contact Norton Home Loans on: 01709 512513
The Nottingham
If you've been affected by Coronavirus, due to illness, self-isolation or any other factor, and are worried about future payments, there are ways we can help. Here are some of the support options available for mortgage customers; Change the way you make your payments, or the date you pay them on Agree on reduced payments for a period Arrange a new payment plan to help you through this difficult period Look to increase your mortgage term to a longer period of time (reducing your monthly payments). A mortgage holiday of up to three months, as outlined in the Chancellor’s statement on March 17th - those interested in this option should contact paymentholiday@thenottingham.com and the team will be in touch to assess your eligibility For all other payment difficulty queries, contact our Customer Support Team and they will go through your individual circumstances and discuss the best options to help. Email collections@thenottingham.com and request a call back. Existing mortgage customers can contact The Nottingham on: 0115 956 4670
Pepper Money
Pepper Money will be able to consider a payment holiday of up to 3 months subject to the customers individual circumstances. These are unprecedented times and at Pepper Money we will want to understand the real cause of the actual or anticipated financial difficulty and then discuss potential options with the customer. We recommend existing customers contact us directly for us to understand their individual circumstances so we can establish the right course of action for them. In the first instance, please view our designated FAQ page. However, if there are further questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact us using the following email address: customerservice@pepper.money Existing mortgage customers can contact Pepper on: 03333 701 102
One of the ways we are helping is to offer customers impacted by coronavirus a mortgage payment holiday for up to 3 months. We don’t apply penalties for missed payments and a payment holiday won’t have any adverse impact on your credit status. If you need a Payment Holiday, please send us an email including the following information: Name, Postcode and house number, Lender, Length of payment holiday (up to 3 months) Please include Reason: Loss of employment, Self-employed - business impact, Reduced hours, Illness/Self Isolating, Child care reasons, Other. If you have a Co-operative Bank or Britannia mortgage, please email; britanniacollections@co-operativebank.co.uk If you have a Platform, Mortgage Agency Services or Verso mortgage, please email; opt.plymouth@wmsl.co.uk Existing mortgage customers can contact Platform on: 08000 288 288
Post Office Money
We’re aware your Post Office Money customers may be finding this situation difficult, so we’re following UK Finance guidelines and are offering mortgage payment breaks of up to three months to those that need it. This will be available to both residential and Buy to Let mortgage customers. These payment breaks offered will not affect customers’ credit files at the Credit Reference Agencies. If your customer would like to apply for a payment break, please ask them to fill in and submit a Payment Break Application Form which can be found here https://www.bankofirelanduk.co... If their payment is due within the next 7 days and they need immediate financial support, please ask them to call us on 0800 1699722*. We are experiencing high call volumes at the moment though, so it may take a while to get to them. Please be aware that you cannot arrange this on behalf of your customer.
Precise Mortgages
As you may expect we are receiving a large number of enquiries relating to mortgage payments as a result of Covid-19. These are unprecedented times and our Collections Department is dealing with these enquiries as quickly as they can. Please bear with us; we will endeavour to respond to calls and emails as soon as possible. If you would prefer us to call you back, please email your mortgage account number to collectionsenquiries@precisemortgages.co.uk and we will contact you as soon as possible. Please only email your mortgage account number and no other personal data. Alternatively, if you do wish to call us, you can contact us on 0800 781 8558. Please note that there are a number of options available, including payment holidays. Note that in accordance with the guidance issued by the Credit Reference Agencies, the account status reported on credit files will be recorded as either ‘0’ or ‘U’. This classification seeks to preserve the borrowers credit record during the payment holiday period. If a customer takes a Covid-19 related payment holiday it will not stop them getting a product transfer in the future if they otherwise would have qualified for one. Please also note that if your payment is not due within the next 5 days, please call back at a later time to allow us to deal with the customers payments who are due.
Principality Building Society
We appreciate you might be concerned about the impact of coronavirus and want to reassure you that we’re here to help with any worries you might have about your savings and mortgages with us. We want to be as flexible as we can be in helping our Members and colleagues through these challenging times. Principality Building Society will consider up to a 3 month payment holiday should they be unable to make their next mortgage payment. Our priority remains the wellbeing of our Members and colleagues but in order for us to ensure we’re able to help our most vulnerable Members, please only call us if you require immediate assistance with your mortgage. Customers should contact - arrearsreferrals@principality.co.uk Existing mortgage customers can contact Principality on: 0330 333 4000
Saffron Building Society
Any Saffron customers directly affected should contact the customer services team as soon as they can, in confidence, on 0800 072 1100 and select Option 2 then 2, or visit the Saffron Building Society website.
We’ve launched a new online form on santander.co.uk to allow existing residential and Buy to Let customers who are impacted by coronavirus to apply for a mortgage payment holiday. This is the quickest and easiest way for a customer to apply and is currently available to customers who are not in arrears and pay by Direct Debit. Please encourage clients to apply online wherever possible - https://mortgagesignup.santander.co.uk/onlinecredential/mortgage-holiday. Alternatively, existing mortgage customers can contact Santander on: 0800 783 9738
Scottish Building Society
If you are having difficulty paying your mortgage as a result of the coronavirus outbreak, please contact our mortgage team to discuss your options. You can email us at homortgages@scotbs.co.uk Existing mortgage customers can contact Scottish Building Society on: 0345 600 4085
Scottish Widows
Customers should contact us directly if they are worried about their circumstances. Existing mortgage customers can contact Scottish Widows on: 0345 845 8555
If your clients with a Skipton residential mortgage are concerned about making repayments as a result of the current Coronavirus situation, we’re here to support them. We’re currently experiencing a high number of calls, which might be making it difficult for your clients to get in touch, so we’ve set up a dedicated email PaymentHolidayRequests@skipton.co.uk for customers to contact us and request a call back. Within the email please ensure your client provides their mortgage account number and the best number for us to contact them on. This means they won’t have to wait in a queue. Once a call back has been requested, we’ll be in touch as soon as we can to discuss their individual circumstances, which will include the option of providing a mortgage payment holiday of up to three-months for any residential or BTL mortgages. In the meantime, we are asking our mortgage customers to leave their Direct Debit in place if they have sufficient funds to cover their regular monthly payment. They can also make a payment by bank transfer using our bank details, which you can find on our Ways to pay your mortgage page. First and foremost, we’re here to support you and your clients, but please remember our people are also affected by the current situation, so we thank you for your patience and understanding during this unprecedented time. Existing mortgage customers can contact Skipton on: 0345 850 1711
Stafford Railway Building Society
We will be speaking to credit reference agencies to ensure consistent treatment of those customers to whom a repayment holiday is made available. We recognise that these are unprecedented and difficult times for customers. This is why we are offering customers who are up to date with their mortgage payments and impacted by COVID-19 the ability to self-certify if they need help. We will commit to help customers the best way for the individual, but an automatic payment holiday may not always be the most suitable approach and may not be required by all customers. Should the customer wish, we could conduct a full assessment of their finances. It’s therefore important that customers who believe they may be impacted by COVID 19, either directly or indirectly, contact their lender at the earliest possible opportunity to discuss if the payment holiday is a suitable option for them. Existing mortgage customers can contact Stafford Railway on: 01785 223212
Swansea Building Society
The Society understands that some of its members may find themselves in financial difficulty as a result of issues associated with Coronavirus. We would encourage any borrower who is experiencing difficulties to contact us as soon as possible. The Society’s friendly and experienced staff will look to understand each customer's situation on a case by case basis to help you reach the best solution based on your individual circumstances. Please contact us on 01792 739110 for advice or support.
Teachers Building Society
Any customer experiencing financial difficulties should contact the Society on 0800 783 2367 to discuss both their personal situation and the options that may be available to them.
The Mortgage Lender
Yes The Mortgage Lender have a dedicated Covid-19 hotline 0344 257 0427 for customers who will be unable to make their next payment. We ask that only customers who are concerned about making their next mortgage payment contact us so we can help those most in need. A payment holiday can be granted to customers who are impacted directly or indirectly by the Covid-19 outbreak a payment holiday of up to 3 months.
The Tipton
Yes, self-certification of their need for help (payment holiday) will be accepted as long as the customer is currently up to date with their mortgage payments. Customers who prefer to go through a proper assessment to find a more suitable solution such as reduced monthly payments or interest only, are encouraged to contact us directly to consider their situation on an individual basis. Existing mortgage customers can contact The Tipton on: 0121 557 2551
Yes, as per government policy we will grant a 3 month payment holiday to anyone wanting to self-certify that they are impacted by COVID-19. No additional evidence or financial statement are required. Existing mortgage customers can contact Together on: 0333 455 2305
If you are able to maintain your mortgage payments, you should continue to do so. However, if you have been financially impacted by COVID19 and this is impacting your ability to meet your monthly mortgage payment, then you are able to request a payment holiday up to a maximum of 3 months as long as you are currently up to date with your mortgage repayments without any impact on your credit file. If you are currently in arrears, please contact our financial difficulty team on 0345 835 3374 (open 8am - 7.30pm weekdays and 8am - 12.30pm Saturday), who will be able to support you with alternative treatments. If you choose to take a payment holiday you will need to be aware that the interest usually charged within your monthly payments will be added to the balance of the mortgage. Your account will be re-calculated at the end of the instalment break and written confirmation will be sent out approximately 2 weeks before your payments are due to restart. The payment will be calculated at that time using your higher balance and spread throughout the remaining term. Switching to a new mortgage deal is not permitted during a payment holiday.
Ulster Bank
If your income has been impacted by Coronavirus and you know you are not going to be able to make your monthly mortgage payments, we can offer our existing mortgage customers a 3 month payment holiday. You can apply for a mortgage payment holiday if: Your ability to pay your mortgage has been affected by Coronavirus. You’re up-to-date with all your monthly mortgage payments. You have consent from everyone named on the mortgage. A mortgage payment holiday only means a break of up to 3 month from your mortgage payments, and you will need to make up these payments through the term of your mortgage. We need you to send an email to us at mortgage-paymentholiday@ulsterbank.com providing the key information we need to review and process your request. Please ensure you include all the following information within your email: All mortgage account numbers for which you are seeking a payment holiday Your full name (including any middle names) Property address details for the mortgage number(s) provided Please confirm if all your mortgage payments are up to date How many months payment holiday are you looking for (1, 2 or 3) From the start of which month would you like the payment holiday to commence Alternatively, existing mortgage customers can request a call back on: https://digital.ulsterbank.co....
Vernon Building Society
Yes, Vernon will consider granting a 3 month payment holiday during the Covid-19 outbreak. They will consider this is a customer is experiencing financial difficulty directly or indirectly as a result of the virus. No fee is applicable. The missed payments will be capitalised on Capital and Interest, the term will be increased on Interest Only. Mortgage Payment holidays will not affect credit score. We generally won't accept an application for a payment holiday if the customer is already in arrears. There are other forebearance measures available and these will be discussed with clients on a case by case basis. Existing mortgage customers can contact Vernon Building Society on 0161 429 4303
Vida Homeloans
We recognise these are worrying times for many people and we are committed to supporting our customers as much as we possibly can. Your peace of mind is our top priority. Belmont Green (Vida Homeloans) has a well-established forbearance policy in place to assist vulnerable customers. We will use this policy to support customers affected by the COVID-19 epidemic to ensure a fair customer outcome in each case. We will consider each case on its individual merits, to ensure we get the best tailored outcome for each customer. We will carry out a full assessment before considering the appropriate measures needed. We can reassure our customers we will be doing all we can to ensure we achieve a fair outcome for them, based on their own individual situation. For customers wanting to discuss their specific circumstances we have a Mortgage Servicing Team that can be contacted on 0344 8920155. Please note that due to the challenging times that we currently face, we’re dealing with a much higher volume of calls than normal. So that we can support those in the most vulnerable situations, we ask that you only call at the present time if your enquiry is urgent.
Virgin Money
https://uk.virginmoney.com/vir... - Please complete this form if you are experiencing financial difficulties due to the current coronavirus situation, and would like to arrange a mortgage payment holiday. We’ll take a look at your request and come back to you over the next week to confirm when your mortgage payment holiday will start. Our contact centres are extremely busy at the moment, so completing this form to request a mortgage payment holiday is the fastest way for it to be put in place for you. Existing mortgage customers can contact Virgin on: 0345 602 8301
The West Brom
We already have policies in place to help borrowers who fall into financial difficulty, and this includes circumstances caused by Coronavirus. We have also signed up to the UK Finance led agreement to support customers who have been financially impacted due to Coronavirus. This help includes allowing members to reduce or defer mortgage payments for up to three months if needed. Importantly, we will work with you to identify the options we have to help you manage your particular situation, so please contact us as at the earliest opportunity if you’re facing financial difficulty. You can contact us either by calling our Customer Services team on 0345 241 3784 or messaging us via the Live Chat function on our homepage.